Versions Compared


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In the advertising mode, the AirID sends a Bluetooth signal making it detectable by devices. Requests must be checked and confirmed.
Numbered Headings

About This Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help customer using the AirID ID on Windows and iOS and contains also all the necessary information for application developers needed to use certgate's AirID Bluetooth reader with their apps.

Who Should Read This Guide

The guide is intended for users of the AirID on Windows and for app developers who want to integrate AirID in their smart card aware environment or software.

Typographical Conventions

The following kinds of text formatting and icons identify special information in the document:


Warnings mark situations where loss of data or misconfiguration of the device is possible if the instructions are not obeyed


Notes provide additional information on a topic and emphasize important facts and considerations


Tips provide best practices and recommendations

Code Block
Code and or command line examples

titleMenu, Buttons

Items you must select, such as menu options, command buttons, or items in a list. Example: Go to the System tab.


Parameter and attribute names

Device Layout


Device Description

AirID is a wireless smart card reader that you can carry with you at all times. The AirID reader communicates via a secure Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection with your device and makes the inserted smart card available for cryptographical operations such as data encryption or authentication. 

AirID is powered by a rechargeable Li-Po battery. The battery is charged by plugging the AirID into either a computer or external USB wall adapter using the USB cable provided. The LCD display shows all setting information and status of the reader. The user-friendly jog-dial control element helps you to navigate through the settings of the device.

Bluetooth Connected Mode Usage

With the AirID is it possible to protect Apps with smart card based-security via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Note: Because of the sandbox architecture of iOS and Android, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into an app to use AirID with this specific app.

Examples of apps with AirID integration:

  • cgPhone for iOS

  • SecurePIM for iOS
  • your company specific apps*

*contact your company administrator!

If you would like to integrate AirID into your app, contact our support at [email protected] and get our AirID SDK for iOS.

USB Connected Mode Usage

AirID can be used as a standard USB CCID reader on all most all PCs with an common operanting system (Windows, OS X and Linux).

Package Contents

Check the product box for the following items:

  • AirID smart card reader

  • USB cable

  • transparent plastic strap for using as ID badges

  • Bumper (landscape and portrait variant) (only with AirID version 2) 

Before start-up,ensure that the two safety seals are undameged.

If the safety seals are damaged, it is suspected that your device has been altered inadmissibly. In this case, please contact your distributor and do not use the device.

Hardware Features

Device Features




1 Low Power LCD Display

2 LED indicator

3 Jog dial control element

4 USB interface

5 Smart card internal slot




6 Double Header

Insert and remove a smart card

Insert the card chip first. The double header of the AirID reader can read the chip regardless of which side the chip is on.

To remove the card, simply slide it with the finger through the cut-out.   



Control  Element

AirID is designed for easy menu navigation using a 3-way version of jog dial control element.



up and down scrolling




Status Indicator

Following status indicators exists on AirID


Status Indicator


Smart card status

card inserted, card not supported or damaged

card inserted and card supported

card access blocked (coverage)

Connection status

Bluetooth and advertising activated

Bluetooth activated and connected

Battery status

remaining battery capacity

LED Indicator

AirID 2



redon while battery charging, off when battery charging is done
blueon while smart card activities

AirID 1



redbattery low, please charge AirID
red and bluebattery charging
blue and greenbattery is fully charged


Menu Layout

In the AirID device menu you can make various settings. You can access the different setting menus by navigating with the jog dial.


The AirID menu is diplayed in the main window and shows the smart card status.


AirID initialized the smart card. This message appears only very shortly

Card OK

The smart card is inserted and it is recognized.

When AirID is paired with a device, the device name is displayed here.

Card unreadable

The inserted smart card is not readable. Please ensure that the card is properly inserted and the smart card is supported


The Connection menu is the second setting when you scroll down. This is used to activate the Bluetooth connection or to terminate the connection.


AirID initializes Bluetooth and activates the advertising mode. This message appears only very shortly.


In Advertising Modus sendet Ihr AirID ein Bluetooth-Signal, wodurch es für Geräte auffindbar wird. Anfragen müssen gegengeprüft und bestätigt werden the advertising mode, the AirID sends a Bluetooth signal making it detectable by devices. Requests must be checked and confirmed.

ON/ waiting

AirID hat Bluetooth und den Advertising-Modus aktiviert und wartet auf den Verbindungsaufbau. Beim Drücken des Jog Dials wird Bluetooth und der Advertising-Modus deaktiviert.Bonding

Image Removed

Das AirID hat sich erfolgreich mit einem Gerät verbunden (erscheint nur sehr kurz).


Image Removed

Das AirID ist mit einem Gerät verbunden.


Image Removed

Beim Drücken des Jog Dials wird die Verbindung beendet.OFF

Image Removed

Bluetooth und der Advertising-Modus sind deaktiviert. Beim Drücken des Jog Dials wird Bluetooth sowie der Advertising-Modus aktiviert.


Image Removed AirID initializes Bluetooth and activates the advertising mode. This message appears only very shortly.

ON/ waiting

Image Removed AirID has activated Bluetooth and the advertising mode and is waiting
has activated Bluetooth and the advertising mode and is waiting for the connection to be established. When the jog dial is pressed, Bluetooth and the advertising mode are disabled.

Image Added

Image Removed

AirID has successfully connected to a device. This message appears only very shortly.

Image Removed

Image Added

AirID is connected to a device.


Image Added

 Image Removed
When the jog dial is pressed, the connection is terminated.

Image Added

Image Removed
Bluetooth and the advertising mode are disabled. Pressing the jog dial activates Bluetooth and the advertising mode.

Pairing Code


Pairing Code

Image Added

Image Removed
This menu is only shown the first time a connection is established with a device and is used to display the connection key

Pairing success

Image Removed Connection successful

Image RemovedConnection failed. The following errors may occur:

  • Pairing fail 1: Pairing canceled

  • Pairing fail 4: Pairing code wrong

  • .

    Pairing success

    Image Added

    Connection successfulVerbindungsaufbau erfolgreich
    Pairing fail 23: Time out


    Pairing defines the successful Bluetooth connection between a device and the AirID. Since the pairing information is retained, the same devices may only be paired once. The device will ask you to enter (Windows 7, 8.1) or compare (Windows 10, iOS, Android) the pairing code displayed on the AirID.

    Image Added

    Pairing success

    Image Added

    Image AddedConnection failed. The following errors may occur:

    • Pairing fail 1: Pairing canceled

    • Pairing fail 4: Pairing code wrong

    • Pairing fail 23: Time out


    Under the menu Settings, you can configure settings for your AirID . Use the jog dial to select and confirm the settings.

    Sig Strenght

    Following settings are possible:

    • low (~3-5m, EcoModus, 1 bar)

    • middle (~5-7 m, 2 bars)

    • high (~7,5-10 m, 3 bars)


    Use the jog dial to set the advertising mode (Connection via Bluetooth) to permanent or EcoMode


    If during the active advertising mode (EcoMode) no connection to a device is established, the advertising mode switches off automatically to save battery power. Therefore, a manual reconnection is necessary afterwards.


    To save energy, a work schedule can be created via AirID Central APP. If the working hours are exceeded, the advertising mode remains deactivated.


    permanent or eco mode so that the display switches off after a certain period of time.


    Select whether the backlight is activated or deactivated.


    Increase display contrast (adjustable in 4 levels) , .


    Activate or deactivate the acoustic feedback of the AirID.

    Force 256bit

    Select if you want to encrypt the connection between AirID and the work device with AES-256.

    USB Card Reader

    If the AirID is connected via USB to the work device, you can select whether the AirID should be used as a USB card reader or not (NEUE BILDER sind notwendig) . If the AirID is not used as USB reader, the AirID is supplied with power via USB and thus charged.

    Reset Keys

    This setting deletes all pairing keys. This is recommended if you pass on AirID to others. After a reset, a new key exchange is necessary to re-established a connection.

    Factory Reset

    This setting reset the AirID to factory settings. All pairing keys are also deleted.

    Update Firmware

    The AirID firmware can be updated with this setting.

    Coverage (not ready)

    The AirID reader can log you out and locks WINDOWS or mobile (iOS or Android) apps automatically, if a (preset) distance between your computer and your AirID has been exceeded. The "Distance Log-Out" is managed in AirID settings using "Coverage". 

    This setting is optional and can only be configured if there is an active Bluetooth connection to the a device.

    You can use pressetings or set the distance manually.

    Following pressetings are available:

    Near (~65 dB)

    Mid (~75 dB)

    Far (~80 dB)


    Select Back to return to the main menu.

    AirID Info

    Under AirID Info you will find further information about the AIrID.

    Serial number of the AirID

    Bluetooth address of the AirID

    The received signal strength

    Battery percentage indicator

    Current time and day

    Version of the AirID board

    Version of the AIrID bootloader

    Version of the AirID firmware version

    Select Back to return to the main menu

    Card Info

    Displays information about the inserted smart card. These information is only displayed if the smart card is correctly inserted and recognized/ supported.

    Prefered Device

    Under "Prefer Device" the pairing information of the AirID with the before connected devices are stored. From these information you can select to which device the AirID should preferably be connected in the future. All other devices will be ignored.

    Select the option New to connect AirID to a new device if the already connected devices are nearby. All other devices connected to AirID will be ignored.


    The pairing information with up to 10 different devices can be stored at the same time.

    Using AirID

    AirID supports various operating systems like Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android. The basic requirement is the Bluetooth Low Energy functionality of the device. When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smar card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used

    The AirID software consists of two components:

    1. AirID Central App - a management software for your AirID forming the basis for usage of the device. The tool provides you with information and setting options for your AirID when your reader is connected to your device. 
    2. AirID drivers, which ensures the communication between the AirID and the operating system, must be installed additionally depending on the platform or is already integrated in the Apps and solutions of third party vendors.

    AirID can be used with different terminals and platforms is possible, but not in parallel operation.


    The use of AirID under Windows is only possible as of Windows 8.1 due to the Bluetooth Low Energy functionality required. For use under Windows 7, an ONEKEY BRIDGE is additionally required.

    Installation and Pairing

    1. Download the latest installer (zipped .msi file) for Windows at AirID - Software, Driver & SDK.
    2. Unzip and double click on the .msi installer file.
    3. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
    4. The AirID Windows driver and the AirID Central App are now installed.
    5. Insert your smart card to power on the AirID reader and activate Bluetooth at the AirID reader by navigating to the connection menu and pressing the jog dial control elementThe AirID should display: 
    6. Open Windows "Settings→ Devices→ Bluetooth". Your AirID should be listed with its serial number. Press "Pair"
    7. Enter 6 digit pairing key shown on AirID display 
    8. After successful pairing "Pairing successful" will be displayed on AirID
    9. After successful connection establishment, the AirID should display the name of your device

    The AirID can now be used.

    Deleting the Connection

    The pairing information are stored on both the Windows system and AirID. To terminate the connection completely, the information on both sides must be deleted.

    On Windows

    1. Open the Bluetooth settings on Windows (Settings- Devices - Bluetooth)
    2. Select the corresponding AirID using the displayed serial number and click on "Remove Device"
    3. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the device.

    On AirID

    Delete All Pairing Information

    To delete all stored pairing information from AirID a "Reset Keys" (verlinkung) can be performed in the Settings menu.

    Delete Specific Pairing Information

    To delete specific pairing information from AirID a "Reset Keys" of the Windows workstation can be performed in the Settings menu.

    The pairing information can also be deleted via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

    AirID Central App

    AirID Central provides information and setting options for your AirID once your AirID is connected to your Windows device. If there is no connection, "No device" is displayed in the AirID Central.

    ( muss erneuert werden)

    AirID Central as an AirID management software, provides an overview of:

    • Serial Number - Displays the Serial Number of the connected AirID
    • Card Status - Displays the status of the inserted smart card. This can be readable , unreadable or no card inserted
    • Coverage Feature - Displays if the coverage feature is activated or not
    • Encryption - Displays if the AES encryption is set to 128 or 256-bit
    • Refresh - Checks if there is an older firmware and offers a firmware update if necessary.
    • AirID Change - Displays the list of the connected AirID readers from which you can select one.
    • Battery Status - Displays the battery charge in percent. The green flash symbol indicates an active charging process.

    In the AirID Central, the following settings can also be made on the AirID:

    • Signal Strenght - Select the signal strength of the AirID:
      • low (~3-5m)
      • middle (~5-7 m)

      • high (~7,5-10 m)

    • Backlight - Select if a display backlight is required
    • Buzzer - Select if an acustic feedback is required
    • Display - Select if the display should always be on or only for a certain time.
    • Advertising - Select if the Bluetooth signal for the connection to a device should always be on or only for a certain time.An individual work schedule to save energy can also be created with AirID Central. The advertising mode remains deactivated after the defined working hours.


    If during the active advertising mode (EcoMode) no connection to a device is established, the advertising mode switches off automatically to save battery power. Therefore, a manual reconnection is necessary afterwards.

    The following information is displayed when clicking on the AirID device displayed in the AirID Central App:

    • Serial Number
    • MAC Address
    • Hardware - Board Version of the AirID
    • Bootloader Version
    • Firmware Version
    • Card OS of the inserted smart card
    • Build version of the firmware
    • Connected devices - shows a list of devices for which AirID stores connection information. The connection information can be deleted by deleting the device from the list.

    A right click on the AirID Central icon in the Windows notification area opens a menu with the following application functions:


    • Reestablish - opens the AirID Central App window in the foreground.
    • Settings -
    • System Log - displays a log of the system log entries that you can use to track activities and processes.
    • Bridge - Displays the ONEKEY Bridge and the settings you can do.
    • Change PIN - PIN change function for the inserted smart card
    • About - Shows the AirID Central version and the developer information
    • Close - Closes the AirID Central App


    Under iOS system-wide support of smart cards and card readers is not possible. Therefore, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into an app to use AirID with this specific app. These apps usually interact with the available AirID Central App via extension or keychain.


    The AirID Central App is available in the App Store.

    The connection to the the iOS device is only active when the app in foreground is open. As soon as the app goes into the background, the Bluetooth connection to the AirID is released again.


    1. Go to the App Store on your iOS device and search for AirID Central
    2. Install the AirID Central App on your iOS device
    3. Insert your smart card to power on the AirID reader
    4. Activate Bluetooth at the AirID reader by navigating to the connection menu and pressing the jog dial control element. The AirID should display: 
    5. Make sure that Bluetooth is activated on your iOS device (Settings > Bluetooth > On)
    6. Open the AirID Central App
    7. Select the AirID (serial number) in the shown device list
    8. Compare the 6 digit pairing code shown on AirID display and confirm it to connect 
    9. After a successful pairing, the AirID shows:


    If you already paired AirID with another device, please navigate to "Prefer Device" in the AirID menu press the jog-dial and choose "New". Then press the jog-dial again to confirm. 

    Technical Specification



    AirID 1

    First Release

    September 2018

    November 2014


    RoHS, CE, FCC

    RoHS, CE, FCC



    rectangular plus Bumper



    90 x 60 x 9 mm (plus Bumper)

    90 x 60 x 9 mm




    Weight in g



    Orientation of hanger

    4 (with bumper)


    Human interface

    Display type

    LCD, 132x32

    LCD, 132x32

    Display size

    ca. 9 x 30 mm

    ca. 9 x 30 mm

    Control element

    Jog Dial (up/down/enter)

    Jog Dial (up/down/enter)

    USB port



    LED visible

    2 LEDs

    red: on while charging

    blue: on while smart card powered on

    3 LEDs

    red battery low, please charge AirID
    red and blue battery is charging
    blue and green battery is fully charged

    Acoustic feedback




    Bluetooth Version


    4.0 LE (Low Energy)


    Battery type

    Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery

    Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery

    Battery size and weight

    4.5 x 24.0 x 41.5 mm, 8g

    4.5 x 24.0 x 41.5 mm, 8g



    325 mAh

    Battery charging

    via USB

    via USB

    Smart card interface

    smart card size

    ID1, contact interface (ISO7816)

    ID1, contact interface (ISO7816)

    smart card type


    5V, 3V, 1,8V

    Smart chip protocol

    T=0, T=1

    T=0, T=1

    Smart chip header number



    Smart chip header type

    8 pins (MCD-7A6SC01-R), 6 pins (2286237-1,TE Connectivity) ;5 pins connected

    8 pins (MCD-7A6SC01-R), 6 pins (2286237-1,TE Connectivity) ;5 pins connected

    Using chip-backsided printed cards



    Using chip-sided printed cards



    NFC function of card usable




    Firmware update

    via USB

    via USB

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    Please note that only customer with a valid support and maintance agreement are authorized to get free support services.
