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titleConference Administration Access required

A secure & encrypted cgPhone voice conference can be scheduled and administrated only by registered cgPhone Online users with conference administration rights. If you are a registered cgPhone user and you need to set up a secure phone conference please contact support@certgatego to to obtain conference administration access.

After receiving your user ID & Password for the cgPhone Online Conference administration portal please access the portal here: cgPhone Online Conference Portal

Numbered Headings


cgPhone Online offers secure, encrypted phone conferences for registered cgPhone users on request at no additional charge. This Guide is targeted for registered cgPhone user who will set up cgPhone conferences through the cgPhone Online web interface.  In case of any errors please contact us at


In order to be able to schedule a conference, the user must at least be in group "conferenceUser".

Also you should make sure the user knows his password because he will have to log into the user web interface.

In case the user has forgotten or lost his password you can assign or generate a new one using cgConfig's edit user functionality.
Numbered Headings


Setting up a Conference

Guide Definitions:

Conference User = cgPhone user who is setting up and manages the conference

Participants = cgPhone user who participates in a cgPhone conference

Start Conference Wizard:

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Please visit the cgPhone Online Conference Portal and log in with your individual credentials (provided for registered cgPhone user on request from [email protected])

In section "Conference" / "Own Conferences" click the "+" symbol to start the wizard to create a new conference.

Specify Start & End Time:

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First you need to specify a begin and an end date and time.

titleRecurring Conferences?

It's possible to have a conference

run over many

running over multiple days or weeks days in case

it's a recurring event and it's not necessary to create new PINs for every day

you need recurring conferences or a "reserved" conference room for a specific group of cgPhone users.

Fill in Subject and description of the conference

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Please specify a subject and a description. This information is used for mail-invitation to the participants.

Specify Secure & Encrypted cgPhone Conference Type

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Here, the conference administrator may to include "non-secure" phones into the conference.
This feature is currently not activated - please keep type as "secure" and continue.

Confirm Conference or Cancel

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Confirm or cancel conference set up - next step will be to specify and invite conference participants.


Add & Invite Participants

Start Participant Invitation Wizard

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Before the conference can start, we need to invite participants.

This is done through the participants wizard which can be invoked directly after creating a conference or through the participants icon in the conference list.

Click on "Participants Wizard" link to start invitation process,

...or click on "participants" icon to start invitation process.

Adding Participants

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By default, the creator of the conference is added in a moderator role. More about roles later.

A new participant can be added by clicking "+"

Adding mail address of conference participants

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It's possible to create several participants in the same role at once. Just add in their e-mail addresses. If the existing fields are not enough, click the "More..." link to add more.

There are three roles available: audience, participant and moderator.

  • Audience
  • = people who are only allowed to listen, but not talk.
  • Participants = are people who are also allowed to talk.
  • Moderators
are like regular participants, but also get some additional powers
  • = participants with additional functions, e.g. lock/unlock the conference to prevent more people from joining, kicking people etc. Moderator functions are available on the cgPhone app during the conference.

You may add multiple participants/audience/moderators at once.

Please type their name or extension and you may select from the list of registered cgPhone user. In case you want to send to a specific mail address, please enter the mail address.

Add up-to 20 people in one batch by clicking "More..." (link on lower right corner...)

titleNeed more than 20 participants?

You can add up-to 250 people into one conference by adding additional batches of 20 people.
Please click on ">>" and re-start adding another batch.

Review added conference participants list

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Before the new participants are added, the
Conference User can review role and e-mail addresses of the participants before making the decision final.

Confirm or cancel conference participants list and add to conference

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Here we see the two additional participants we just added. They are displayed in black because there are no user accounts associated with their e-mail addresses.

The moderator of this conference is displayed in green because he has a user account in the system.




with assembling the list of participants, we

, please click "Finish and return to Own Conferences".

The system will now finally add the participants to the conference and create individual PIN numbers accordingly.

Conference created confirmation

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New participants have been added and PIN numbers were created.

Modifying Participants

If you wish to change the role of a participant click the modify icon (pencil).

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You will then be given the opportunity to change the participant's role.

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After confirming your choice the change will be made and you will be taken back to the participants list.

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Deleting Participants

If you made a mistake adding a participant to your conference you can always delete the participant. Simply open the participants wizard, locate the participant you wish to delete and click the trash icon.

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After confirming your choice the participant will be deleted from the participants list.

Finalizing the Conference

Send Invite & finalise the Conference

Go to Conference list

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A conference can't happen until the participants have been invited.

This is when we go live and all participants are officially invited.

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Click the invite icon (envelope) to start the Invitation Wizard. Once it has completed successfully, the conference will be finalized and set to go.

Final review conference details

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In the first step there is one last chance to review all conference details.

Select mail invitation or not

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In the second step you can determine who will receive an e-mail and who won't, in case you want to write an individual e-mail or deliver the PIN personally.

Final check mail invitation list

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In the third step is the final chance to review the participants and if they receive an automated e-mail. When you click "Finish" then the invitations will be sent and the conference will be finalized.


Please Note: After sending eMail invitations no changed to the conference schedule (date / time) are allowed. In case of a change you will have to cancel the conference and send out a new invitation.

Invitation sent confirmation - DONE!

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The cgPhone Online system

will send

sent out invitations and

schedule the conference

scheduled finally the conference.

The conference is now finalised.

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In case there were problems sending e-mails the user will be notified.

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The conference is now finalized and good to go. The edit button has changed to an information button because it's no longer possible to change conference properties.

The invitation button is disabled because the invitations have already been sent.


Please Note: After sending eMail invitations no changed to the conference schedule (date / time) are allowed. In case of a change you will have to cancel the conference and send out a new invitation.

Modify, Change & Errors

Modifying Participants Role (Audience, Participant, Moderator)

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If you wish to change the role of a participant click the modify icon (pencil).

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You will then be given the opportunity to change the participant's role.

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After confirming your choice the change will be made and you will be taken back to the participants list.

Deleting Participants from Conference

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If you made a mistake adding a participant to your conference you can always delete the participant. Simply open the participants wizard, locate the participant you wish to delete and click the trash icon.

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After confirming your choice the participant will be deleted from the participants list.

Canceling a Conference

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Canceling a Conference

If a conference has to be canceled the user can click trash icon.

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Once the user clicks "Delete" the conference will be deleted.
If invitations have been sent out already then automated cancelation e-mails will be sent to all participants.

Error during sending invitations

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If the cgPhone Online server will not be able to send out an invitation by mail, the error will be displayed after sending the invitations.

Please double-check your mail addresses on typo and correct domains.

To send out the participants PIN numbers, please go back to "OWN CONFERENCES and click the INFO button/icon. You will find all participants PIN numbers on the overview list. You will have to re-send out the PIN numbers manually to failed mail adress.