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UI Text Box

Thank you for purchasing the AirID Smart Card Reader. Before using AirID, please take the time to read this user manual, to learn about all the features and capabilities of your new AirID. 

certgate AirID GmbH 20212023, All rights reserved

Table of Content

Table of Contents

View file
name2020-07-30 AirID2 READ-ME PRINT V04-1.pdf

READ ME FIRST - Quick Set up Guide for AirID2

Questions and Support

Include Page
_AirID - Questions & Support
_AirID - Questions & Support

certgate AirID GmbH

Include Page
_certgateGmbH AirIDGmbH - address
_certgateGmbH AirIDGmbH - address

About this User Manual

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help customers using the AirID on different platforms and contains also all the necessary information for application developers needed to use certgate's AirID Bluetooth reader with their apps.

Typographical Conventions

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_Typographical Conventions for Guides
_Typographical Conventions for Guides

Intended Use

Include Page
_A2 - Device Short Description
_A2 - Device Short Description

AirID is powered by a rechargeable Li-Po battery. The battery is charged by plugging the AirID into either a computer or external USB wall adapter using the USB cable provided. The LCD display shows all setting information and status of the reader. The user-friendly control element helps you to navigate through the settings of the device.

Package Contents

Image Removed

  1. AirID smart card reader
  2. Bumper landscape
  3. Bumper portrait
  4. USB cable
  5. Strap

Before start-up, ensure that the two safety seals are undamaged.

If the safety seals are damaged, it is suspected that your device has been altered inadmissibly. In this case, please contact your distributor and do not use the device.
Include Page
_A2 - Content of Delivery
_A2 - Content of Delivery

Device Features

  1. Low power display

  2. Expand
    titleLED indicator

    Current hardware version

    AirID 2 (PN: A2XX…)




    on during battery charging; off when battery charging is done



    on during bluetooth communication activities

    blinkingongoing FIDO communication - User Presence, waiting for input



    on during smart card activities

    Older hardwae versions

    AirID 2 (Rev. 1-3, PN: ARID002-…)

    redon while battery charging, off when battery charging is done
    blueon while smart card activities

    AirID 1

    redbattery low, please charge
    red  and bluebattery charging
    blue  and greenbattery completely charged

  3. Expand
    titleControl element: Jog Dial

    AirID is designed for easy menu navigation using a 3-way version of jog dial control element.

    up and down scrollingnavigation

  4. USB interface
  5. Smart card slot

       6. Power switch (triggered by ID-1 Card) and smart card connector

Insert a smart card and power the AirID

Insert the card into the card slot with the chip first. The AirID reader has two integrated smart card connector and can read the smart chip regardless of which side the chip is on. By inserting a card, the power switch is triggered and the AirID switches on.

To remove the card, simply slide it with the finger through the cut-out.  

Remove the smart card and unpower the AirID

To remove the card, simply slide it with the finger through the cut-out. The AirID turns off. 

Mounting the Bumper

Include Page
_A2 - HW Features - Mounting Bumper
_A2 - HW Features - Mounting Bumper

Menu Layout

In the AirID device menu, you can get status information about your AirID and configure various settings. You can access the different menu entries by navigating with the control element.

Status indicators

The current status of AirID is indicated by the following icons:

Status TypeStatus IndicatorDescriptionSmart card status

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card inserted, card not supported or damaged

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card inserted and card supported

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card access blocked (Distance Sensor)

FIDO status

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ongoing FIDO communication

Connection status

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Bluetooth and advertising activated

Include Page
_A2/A2M - HW Features - Status Indicator
_A2/A2M - HW Features - Status Indicator

Image Removed

Bluetooth activated and connected to host

Image Removed

Connected to host via USB in USB card reader modeBattery status

Image Removed

remaining battery capacity

Menu: AirID

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - AirID Menu
_A2/A2M - SW - AirID Menu

Menu: Connection

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Connection Menu
_A2/A2M - SW - Connection Menu

Menu: Pairing

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Pairing Menu
_A2/A2M - SW - Pairing Menu

Menu: Settings

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Settings
_A2/A2M - SW - Settings

Menu: AirID Info

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - AirID Info
_A2/A2M - SW - AirID Info

Menu: Prefered Device

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Prefer Device_A2/A2M - SW - Prefer Device

Using AirID

Using Bluetooth Mode

AirID offers smart card and FIDO based-security via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Version 5. The Bluetooth connection of AirID is protected by an additional AES256 encryption.

Using USB Mode

AirID can be used as a standard USB CCID reader on almost all PCs with a common operating system supporting the CCID standard (Windows, MacOS and Linux etc.) and as a standard USB FIDO security key on all PCs with a common operating system supporting the FIDO standard (Windows 10 20H2, MacOS Big Sur and Linux).

Setup: AirID Software

The AirID software consists of two components:

  1. AirID drivers, which ensures the Bluetooth communication between AirID and the operating system. The driver must be installed additionally depending on the platform or is already integrated in the apps and solutions of third party vendors.
  2. AirID Central App - a management software for your AirID forming the basis for usage of the device. The tool provides you with information and setting options for your AirID when your reader is connected to your device. The AirID Central App also always provides the latest firmware for your AirID and enables you to update your AirID via USB and Bluetooth ("Over-The-Air").

AirID can be used with different clients and platforms, but not in parallel operation.

Select your platform for detailed information on the AirID software available:

UI Tabs

UI Tab
titleWindows 10 & 11

Image Modified Windows 10 & 11

Download and install: AirID Installer for AirID Central and Driver

UI Text Box

System requirement: Bluetooth Low Energy support v4.1 or later

For workstations without built in Bluetooth Low Energy v4.1 capabilities, a USB Bluetooth Donlge or the AirID BRIDGE - an USB Bluetooth connector - MUST be used to provide connectivity.

When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available system-wide to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smart card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used. 

AirID Central

Include Page
_Win10 - AirID Central
_Win10 - AirID Central

UI Expand
titleDevelopers and administrators information

After the driver has been succesfully installed and paired, AirID is displayed as follows under Device Manager. AirID is detected as "Microsoft USBCCID Smartcard Reader" if it is connected via USB.

Silent Installation of the Driver

Include Page
_AirID - Silent Driver Installation
_AirID - Silent Driver Installation

UI Tab

Image Modified MacOS

Download and install: AirID BLE and CCID-USB Software for MacOS

UI Text Box

System requirement: Bluetooth Low Energy support v4.1 or later

For workstations without built in Bluetooth Low Energy v4.1 capabilities, a USB Bluetooth Donlge MUST be used to provide connectivity.

When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available system-wide to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smart card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used. 

UI Text Box

Please check our information page AirID & Smart Card @ MacOS to receive valuable information about MacOS & smart card integration!

AirID Central

Include Page
_MacOS - AirID Central
_MacOS - AirID Central

UI Tab

Image Modified iOS

Simply connect AirID in the desired app which is compatible with AirID. For details, please contact the manufacturer of the respective app.

UI Text Box

System requirement: iOS version 10.3.3 upwards

UI Expand
titleDevelopers and administrators information

With iOS and Android, a system-wide support of smart cards and card readers is not possible due to its sandbox architecture. In order to use AirID with a specific app, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into this app.

If you would like to integrate AirID into your app, visit our   to create a ticket and get our AirID SDKs for iOS and Android at the Download Center.

UI Tab

Image Modified Android

Simply connect AirID in the desired app which is compatible with AirID. For details, please contact the manufacturer of the respective app.

AirID Central

Include Page
_Android - AirID Central
_Android - AirID Central

UI Expand
titleDevelopers and administrators information

With iOS and Android, a system-wide support of smart cards and card readers is not possible due to its sandbox architecture. In order to use AirID with a specific app, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into this app.

If you would like to integrate AirID into your app, visit our   to create a ticket and get our AirID SDKs for iOS and Android at the Download Center.

Include Page
_AirID Android - Device heterogeneity
_AirID Android - Device heterogeneity

UI Tab

Image Modified Linux

Download and install: AirID Driver for Linux

The zip file also contains instructions for setting up the AirID with LinuxAs there are many distributions of Linux available, please contact our support at to get the suitable AirID driver for your Linux system.

When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available system-wide to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smart card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used. 


Please note that the Linux platform is not our main development focus and we only have limited support in that area!

titleWindows 7

Windows 7

Download and install: AirID Installer for AirID Central and Driver, incl. Winusbcompat

UI Text Box

System requirements: Since Windows 7 doesn't support the Bluetooth Low Energy standard, a AirID BRIDGE is required additionally

When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available system-wide to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smart card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used. 

Setup: AirID and Bluetooth Connection

  1. Connect AirID to the power supply and charge it.
  2. Start AirID by inserting the smart card into the card slot.
  3. Activate Bluetooth on AirID by pressing the jog dial in the menu item "Connection" and make sure that "ON/waiting" is displayed. Also make sure that Bluetooth is activated on your host device.
  4. To initialize the Bluetooth pairing process, select AirID on the appropriate platform:

    • iOS and Android: via the respective app
    • Windows: Install the AirID software package and select your AirID via System settings » Devices » Bluetooth
    • MacOS: Install the AirID software package and start pairing via the AirID Central program
  5. For secure pairing, compare the displayed code on AirID with the code displayed on the host system and confirm the pairing code on both sides, the AirID and your host.

>> Your AirID is now connected to your device and ready to use!

UI Text Box

The pairing information will be saved on both sides, the AirID and your host system. Therefore this pairing process only needs to be done once per host device.

Setup: FIDO authentication with AirID

AirID can be used not only as a smart card reader but also as a FIDO security key for supported OS platforms.

  1. Bluetooth Connection: To use the AirID for FIDO authentication via Bluetooth LE, follow the Setup: AirID and Bluetooth Connection first
  2. Register your AirID in your applications: Before you can log into your applications using the AirID FIDO functionality, you have to register your AirID once in the application.
  3. Set a security PIN: Some applications (e.g. Microsoft Azure) will ask you to set a PIN for your AirID FIDO security key, if you haven't done so already. This PIN will be stored in your AirID.
  4. Name your FIDO security key: For registration, most applications provide a text field to set a name for your AirID FIDO security key. This field is completely free of choice and is intended to help you identify the key used later on. In order to confirm and complete the registration, the AirID FIDO asks you to push a button on the AirID.

>> Now, your AirID is ready to be used for FIDO authentication!

Go to the application you previously registered in, select your AirID and log in. If set, you will be automatically prompted for your security key PIN. For your secure login, the authentication must be confirmed by pushing a button on your AirID.

Setup: AirID Autolock Distance

The distance to the device for the auto-lock can be configured with the „Distance Sensor“ feature on the AirID. The automatic lock depends on the host device and its operating system and must be activated separetely, if required.

For configuration of this feature, an active BLE connection is required:

  1. Activate the „Distance Sensor“ on the AirID device (Settings > Distance Sensor)
  2. You can select a preset value (near, mid, far) or a manual setting.
UI Text Box
Please note that the measured distance may vary depending on the environment/line of sight. To reduce interference, we recommend for manual setting a distance of min. three meters.
Include Page
_A2 - Setup: AirID and Bluetooth Connection
_A2 - Setup: AirID and Bluetooth Connection

Setup: FIDO authentication with AirID

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Setup: FIDO authentication with AirID
_A2/A2M - SW - Setup: FIDO authentication with AirID

Setup: AirID Autolock Distance

Include Page
_A2/A2M - SW - Setup: AirID Autolock Distance
_A2/A2M - SW - Setup: AirID Autolock Distance

AirID Firmware Update

To always benefit from the latest features and maximum security of your AirID, you should run the latest AirID firmware. Using the AirID management software AirID Central with its integrated updater always provides the latest firmware for your device when available. The AirID Central App enables you to update your AirID via USB and Bluetooth ("Over-The-Air").

It is also possible to update the AirID firmware manually via USB on Windows or MacOS PCs. Download the latest firmware from our website and unzip the file. Below, you will find the necessary steps for the update.

Include Page
_A2/A2M - Firmware Update
_A2/A2M - Firmware Update

Technical Specifications

Include Page
_A2 - HW - Technical Specification Table
_A2 - HW - Technical Specification Table

Safety Precautions

Include Page
_AFx - General - Safety Instructions
_AFx - General - Safety Instructions

Environment Temperatures

Include Page
_A2/A2M - Environment Temperature Range
_A2/A2M - Environment Temperature Range

Maintenance & Care

Include Page
_General - Maintenance and Care
_General - Maintenance and Care

Disposal & Recycling

Include Page
_General - Disposal and Recycling
_General - Disposal and Recycling

Warranty/ License/ Technical Support

Include Page
_General - Warranty/ Licence/ Technical Support
_General - Warranty/ Licence/ Technical Support