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AirID GmbH

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1. About This Guide

This guide is written especially for developers and requires a deeper technical understanding. It provides information about the integration and usage of AirID's AirID Bluetooth reader on the different platforms. If you are looking for an user manual, please have a look here.

1.1. Typographical Conventions

The following kinds of text formatting and icons identify special information in this document:


Warnings mark situations where loss of data or misconfiguration of the device is possible if the instructions are not obeyed


Notes provide additional information on a topic and emphasize important facts and considerations


Tips provide best practices and recommendations

Code and or command line examples

Parameter and attribute names

2. Using AirID on different platforms

2.1. Windows

native driver

2.1.1. Silent Installation of the Driver

Silent installation is used for installation of the AirID driver without user interaction, usually from a batch file or other script.

To perform a silent install using the ZIP format driver, extract the ZIP file, then run the AirID Installer .EXE program for the driver with the following comand line switch:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /install /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>" 

Any problem can be found in the log file.

The command to uninstall the software package is as follows:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /uninstall /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>"

The optional parameter are:

Optional Parameter Description
Help and short overview of the parameters
/install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout
Installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a copy of the installation package
/passive |

The user interface is displayed, but no user intervention is required.

No user interface is displayed during installation.

If this option is specified, commands with --passive or --quiet will not automatically restart the computer.
/log log.txt
The logs are written to a specific log.txt file. By default, a log file is created under %TEMP%.
Note, that installing Software or Drivers on Windows Systems typically requires local or Enterprise Admin Rights depending on your Company Policies.

2.2. macOS

native driver

2.3. iOS

2.3.1. AirID Integration

There are two possible options for integration of AirID which can be used:
  1. Complete integration of AirID driver and AirID Central functionality into the third party app
  2. Only integration of AirID driver into the third party app and usage of AirID Central app in addition (interaction of the apps via keychain)

Depending on the form of integration, the Bluetooth pairing process will be done within the third party app (1.) or within the AirID Central app (2.).

For both option a smart card middleware within the third party app is required to use the smart card provided by AirID.

Do you want to integrate AirID to your app? Please contact us at: [email protected]

driver / API documentation

2.4. Android

2.4.1. AirID Integration

There are two possible options for integration of AirID which can be used:
  1. Complete integration of AirID driver and AirID Central functionality into the third party app
  2. Only integration of AirID driver into the third party app and usage of AirID Central app in addition (interaction of the apps via keychain)

Depending on the form of integration, the Bluetooth pairing process will be done within the third party app (1.) or within the AirID Central app (2.).

For both option a smart card middleware within the third party app is required to use the smart card provided by AirID.

Do you want to integrate AirID to your app? Please contact us at: [email protected]

driver / API documentation

2.5. Linux

native driver

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