Thank you for purchasing the AirID Smart Card Reader. Before using AirID, please take the time to read this user manual, to learn about all the features and capabilities of your new AirID. 

Table of Content

READ ME FIRST - Quick Set up Guide for AirID2

Intended Use

AirID is a wireless smart card reader that you can carry with you at all times. The AirID reader communicates via a secure Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection with your device and makes the inserted smart card available for cryptographical operations such as data encryption or authentication. 

Questions / Support

AirID GmbH

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1. About This Guide

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help customers using the AirID on different platforms and contains also all the necessary information for application developers needed to use AirID's AirID Bluetooth reader with their apps.

1.1. Typographical Conventions

The following kinds of text formatting and icons identify special information in this document:


Warnings mark situations where loss of data or misconfiguration of the device is possible if the instructions are not obeyed


Notes provide additional information on a topic and emphasize important facts and considerations


Tips provide best practices and recommendations

Code and or command line examples

Parameter and attribute names

2. Device Layout

2.1. Overview

Device Description

First, the AirID is a wireless smart card reader at a credit card sized form factor. Enables working wireless with almost any corporate smart card. AirID connects to smartphones, tablets, laptops or non mobile systems via Bluetooth and USB. The BluetoothLE connection of AirID is protected by an additional AES256 encryption. Existing NFC capabilities of your smart card will be maintained. Using AirID, your smart card will always stay safe – with you!

Second, the AirID provides FIDO authentication via Bluetooth LE and USB for supported OS platforms.

AirID is powered by a rechargeable Li-Po battery. The battery is charged by plugging the AirID into either a computer or external USB wall adapter using the USB cable provided. The LCD display shows all setting information and status of the reader. The user-friendly control element helps you to navigate through the settings of the device.

Bluetooth Connected Mode Usage

With the AirID it is possible to protect Apps with smart card based-security via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Note: Because of the sandbox architecture of iOS and Android, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into an app to use AirID with this specific app.

Examples of apps with AirID integration:

  • SecurePIM by Virtual Solution
  • your company specific apps*

*contact your company administrator!

If you would like to integrate AirID into your app, visit our  to create a ticket and get our AirID SDKs for iOS and Android at the Download Center.

USB Connected Mode Usage

AirID can be used as a standard USB CCID reader on all most all PCs with a common operating system supporting the CCID standard (Windows, OS X and Linux etc.).

2.2. Package Contents

Check the product box for the following items:

  1. AirID smart card reader
  2. Bumper landscape
  3. Bumper portrait
  4. USB cable
  5. Strap

Before start-up, ensure that the two safety seals are undamaged.

If the safety seals are damaged, it is suspected that your device has been altered inadmissibly. In this case, please contact your distributor and do not use the device.

Before start-up, ensure that the two safety seals are undamaged.

If the safety seals are damaged, it is suspected that your device has been altered inadmissibly. In this case, please contact your distributor and do not use the device.

2.3. Hardware Features

Device Features

1 Low Power LCD Display

2 LED indicator

3 Jog dial control element

4 USB interface

5 Smart card slot 

6 Power switch and second smart card connector (only with AirID 2)

Insert a smart card and power the AirID

Insert the card into the card slot with the chip first. The AirID 2 reader has two integrated smart card connector can read the smart chip regardless of which side the chip is on. By inserting a card, the power switch is triggered and the AirID switches on.

To remove the card, simply slide it with the finger through the cut-out.  

Remove the smart card and unpower the AirID

To remove the card, simply slide it with the finger through the cut-out. The AirID turns off. 

Control Element

AirID is designed for easy menu navigation using a 3-way version of jog dial control element.

Action Meaning
up and down scrolling navigation
press select

The current status of AirID is indicated by the following icons:
Status Type Status Indicator Description
Smart card status

card inserted, card not supported or damaged

card inserted and card supported

card access blocked (Distance Sensor)

Connection status

Bluetooth and advertising activated

Bluetooth activated and connected to host

Connected to host via USB in USB card reader mode
Battery status

remaining battery capacity

LED Indicator 

Following LED indicators exists on

AirID 2 (PN: A2XX…)




on while battery charging; off when battery charging is done


on while bluetooth communication activities


on while smart card activities

AirID 2 (Rev. 1-3, PN: ARID002-…)


red on while battery charging, off when battery charging is done
blue on while smart card activities

AirID 1

Color Meaning
red battery low, please charge
red and blue battery charging
blue and green battery completely charged

3. Menu Layout

In the AirID device menu, you can configure various settings and get status information about your AirID device. You can access the different menu entries by navigating with the control element.

3.1. AirID

The AirID menu is displayed in the main window and shows the smart card status.

Setting Display Meaning

AirID initialized the smart card. This message appears only very shortly

Card OK

The smart card is inserted and it is recognized.

When AirID is paired with a device, the device name is displayed here.

Card unreadable

The inserted smart card is not readable. Please ensure that the card is properly inserted, that the smart card is not damaged and the smart card is supported

3.2. Connection

The Connection menu is the second setting when you navigate down. This is used to activate the Bluetooth connection or to terminate the connection.

Setting Display Meaning

AirID initializes Bluetooth and activates the advertising mode. This message appears only very shortly.

In the advertising mode, the AirID sends a Bluetooth signal making it detectable by devices. Requests must be checked and confirmed.

ON/ waiting

AirID has activated Bluetooth and advertising mode and is waiting for the connection to be established. When the control element is pressed, Bluetooth and the advertising mode are disabled.

AirID has successfully connected to a device. This message appears only very shortly.


AirID is connected to a device.


When the control element is pressed, the connection is terminated.

Bluetooth and the advertising mode are disabled. Pressing the control element activates Bluetooth and the advertising mode.

3.3. Pairing Code

This item is only shown during the first connection setup with a device and is used to display the pairing code and pairing status.

Setting Display Meaning
Pairing Code

This menu is only shown the first time a connection is established with a device and is used to display the connection key.
Pairing success

The pairing have been successful

Pairing defines the establishment of a connection between an Bluetooth device and the AirID Bluetooth reader. Since the pairing information is retained even if the devices are turned off, it is not necessary to pair the same devices again. To pair, the device prompts you to read a code from the AirID and enter it into the connected device or compare it with the code displayed on the device.

Pairing failed

The pairing failed.

For AirID2, the reasons for a failed pairing can be:

  • Time out: waiting too long to confirm the pairing code on host device and AirID
  • Aborting pairing process on host device
  • Selecting "No" for pairing code confirmation on AirID

For AirID1, the following errors may occur:

  • Pairing fail 1: Pairing canceled

  • Pairing fail 4: Pairing code wrong

  • Pairing fail 23: Time out

3.4. Settings

Under the menu Settings, you can configure settings for your AirID. Use the control element to select and confirm the settings.

Setting Display Meaning

Main window
Sig Strenght

AirID 2

AirID 1

Select the signal strenght of the AirID.

Possible configurations:

AirID 2

1-4 bars


AirID 1

1-3 bars

AirID 2

AirID 1
Sig Strength Value

Sig Strength

1 bar -25dBm 1 bar -23dBm
2 bars -6dBm 2 bars -6dBm
3 bars 0dBm 3 bars 0dBm
4 bars 5.5dBm --



AirID 2

AirID 1

Use the control element to set the advertising mode (Connection via Bluetooth) to permanent or temporary

If during the temporary actived advertising mode no connection to a device is established, the advertising mode switches off automatically to save battery power. Therefore, a manual reconnection is necessary afterwards.

To save energy, a work schedule can be created via AirID Central App. If the working hours are exceeded, the advertising mode remains deactivated.


AirID 2

AirID 1

Indicates the lenght of time the display will remain on. Select whether the display is on permanently or turns off after a while.

AirID 2

AirID 1

Select whether the backlight is activated or   deactivated.


Increase display contrast (adjustable in 4 levels)


AirID 2

AirID 1

Activate or deactivate the acoustic feedback of the AirID.

Force 256bit
Select if you want to force the AES-256 encryption of the Bluetooth connection between AirID and the work device.

If the AES-256 encryption of the Bluetooth connection is forced, only AES-256 encrypted communication is allowed.

If the AES-256 encryption of the Bluetooth connection is not forced, whether a AES-256 or a AES-128 encryption will take place.

USB Card Reader

AirID 2

AirID 1

If the AirID is connected via USB to the working device, you can select whether the AirID should be used as a USB card reader (CCID) or not. If the AirID is not used as USB reader, the AirID is only supplied with power via USB and thus charged.

With AirID 1, the query disappears after 15 seconds and the AirID is automatically used as a USB card reader.

Reset Keys

AirID 2

AirID 1

AirID 2

This setting deletes the saved keys (LTK and SK). You have the option to delete all keys or only the keys for a specific device.

AirID 1:

This setting deletes all pairing keys. This is recommended when passing AirID to third parties. After a reset, a new pairing is necessary to re-established a connection.

Remove Pairing

AirID 2:

This setting deletes the saved pairing information and the keys. This is recommended when passing AirID to third parties. You have the option to delete all keys or only the keys for a specific device. After the removal, a new pairing is necessary to re-established a connection.

Factory Reset

This setting reset the AirID to factory settings. All saved pairing information and keys are also deleted.

Distance Sensor

oder Coverage

AirID 2

AirID 1

The AirID reader can lock your WINDOWS or mobile (iOS or Android) apps (if configured) automatically, if a preset distance between your computer and your AirID has been exceeded. The "Distance Log-Out" is managed in AirID settings using "Distance Sensor" (with AirID 2) or "Coverage" (with AirID 1). 

This setting is optional and can only be configured if there is an active Bluetooth connection to the a device.

You can use pressetings or set the distance manually.

Following pressetings are available:

  • Near (~ 55 dB)
  • Mid (~ 65 dB)
  • Far (~ 70 dB)

In comparasion to the possible pressetings, the manual setting allows an individual fine adjustment.

If the manual setting is selected, the curent RSSI value is shown in the display. Slowly walk around in the area you want your device to remain unlocked. Press the control element at the preferred distance to confirm the coverage area and activate the Distance Sensor function.

Settings can only be configured during an active Bluetooth connection between your computer and your AirID reader.

To avoid unintended disconnects, keep in mind that the minimum distance for the automated lock is about three meters between your computer and your AirID reader.

The distance value for the "Distance Sensor" feature represents a relative value. It depends on the signal strength of the AirID, on the environment and on other interferencing signals.

Update Firmware

only with AirID 2

The AirID firmware can be updated with this setting. An USB connection to your Windows PC or Mac is required. see Section: Firmware Update

Select Back to return to the main menu.

3.5. AirID Info

Under AirID Info you will find further information about the AirID.

Setting Dispaly Meaning
Serial Number

Serial number of the AirID
IEEE Adress

Bluetooth address of the AirID

The received signal strength

Battery percentage indicator

Current time and day

Version of the AirID board

Version of the AirID bootloader

Version of the AirID firmware version

Date and time the firmware version was created

Select Back to return to the main menu

3.6. Card Info

For AirID 1 only

Setting Display Meaning

Card Info

Displays information about the inserted smart card. These information is only displayed if the smart card is correctly inserted and recognized/ supported.

3.7. Prefered Device

Under "Prefer Device" the pairing information of the AirID with the already connected devices are stored. From these information you can select to which device the AirID should be connected in the future. All other devices will be ignored.

Text Anzeige Bedeutung

If no device is selected, a BLE connection to any of the surrounding devices is possible.

Select the option New to connect AirID to a new device, if already connected devices are nearby. All other devices paired with AirID will be ignored.
"device name"

If your AirID was already paired with one or more devices, you choose the device name to select which device the AirID should preferably be connected to in the future. All other devices will be ignored.

The pairing information with up to 10 different devices can be stored at the same time.

4. Firmware Update

AirID is constantly working to make AirID even more reliable and faster. Therefore we provide firmware updates for our wireless smartcard readers under Download Center from time to time. Please install a firmware update as soon as it is available as it improves the reliability of the reader.

The AirID firmware can be updated via USB on Windows or MacOS PCs. Download the latest firmware from our website and unzip the file. Below, you will find the necessary steps for the update.

Update AirID 2

  1. Use the control element of the AirID to navigate to Settings → Update Firmware → Confirm: Yes
  2. The AirID should display: "Send update or unpower to exit"
    With a Windows PC
  3. Connect your AirID with the USB-cable to a Windows computer or Mac.
  4. Open the folder with the extracted firmware and run the "winusb-flash-device.exe" file
  5. once the AirID restarts, the update is finished
    With a MacOS
  6. Open the folder with the firmware and run the "flash-airid.command" file
  7. After a successful update the AirID will reboot automatically and can be used as usual
  8. once the AirID restarts, the update is finished

If the update fails, the update process is intrerrupted or the AirID doesn't start anymore, go to step 1 and repeat the process.

Update AirID 1

  1. Remove the smart card from your AirID
  2. While pressing the control element, connect your AirID with the USB-cable to a Windows computer or Mac.
  3. The AirID should display: 
    On a Windows PC
  4. Open the folder with the firmware and run the "AirID_FW_CC2540.bat" file
    On a MacOS
  5. Open the folder with the firmware and run the "AirID_FW_CC2540.command" file
  6. After a successful update the AirID will reboot automatically and can be used as usual

If the update fails, the update process is intrerrupted or the AirID doesn't start anymore, go to step 1 and repeat the process.

In rare cases, especially when updating from a very old firmware version it is possible that all Bluetooth pairing information is lost. In this case it could be necessary to remove AirID from all devices and pair them again.

Our recommended steps:

  1. Turn off the Bluetooth connection on your AirID Connection → OFF
  2. Remove the AirID from the Bluetooth connected device list on your device Bluetooth →  AirID "Serial Number" → Remove device
  3. Turn on the Bluetooth connection on your AirID
  4. Pair the AirID with your device

5. Using AirID

AirID supports various operating systems like Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android. The basic requirement is the Bluetooth Low Energy functionality of the device. When AirID is successfully paired and the driver is installed, the inserted smart card is available to be used for cryptographical operations such as authentication or data encryption. This requires an applet on the smart card and the corresponding middleware for the operating system used

The AirID software consists of two components:

  1. AirID drivers, which ensures the communication between the AirID and the operating system, must be installed additionally depending on the platform or is already integrated in the Apps and solutions of third party vendors.
  2. AirID Central App - a management software for your AirID forming the basis for usage of the device. The tool provides you with information and setting options for your AirID when your reader is connected to your device. 

AirID can be used with different terminals and platforms, but not in parallel operation.

5.1. Windows

With Windows, there is a system-wide smart card support using AirID.

5.1.1. AirID system requirements

In order to use AirID with your Windows device, a Windows 10 system with a Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0/4.2 support is required.

For workstations without built in Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0/4.2 capabilities, a USB Bluetooth Donlge or the AirID Bridge - an USB Bluetooth connector - MUST be used to provide connectivity.

Since Windows 7 doesn't support the Bluetooth Low Energy standard, a AirID Bridge is required additionally.

5.1.2. Installation and Pairing

Installer Download

Download the latest Windows installer - a zipped .exe file - for Windows at the Download Center.

Driver and App Installation

Unzip and double click on the .exe installer file.

Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to install the AirID Windows driver and the AirID Central App.

Bluetooth Pairing

  1. Power on your smart card reader
  2. Make sure that Bluetooth is activated at your reader by pressing the AirID control element. AirID should display: 
  3. Open Windows "Settings Devices Bluetooth" and make sure, that Bluetooth is activated.
  4. Click "Add a Bluetooth device" and your AirID should be listed with its serial number. Select the reader you want to connect with.
  5. For secure pairing, compare the displayed code on AirID with the code displayed on the host system and confirm the pairing code by pressing the jog dial on your AirID.

After successful pairing, "Your device is ready to go!" and the AirID serial number will be displayed on the Windows system and the device name of the paired device will be displayed on the AirID.

If there are any problems with the pairing process, restart the process. If necessary, delete the stored pairing information (see Remove the Pairing)

After the driver has been succesfully installed and paired, AirID is displayed as follows under Device Manager. AirID is detected as "Microsoft USBCCID Smartcard Reader" if it is connected via USB.

5.1.3. Silent Installation of the Driver

Silent installation is used for installation of the AirID driver without user interaction, usually from a batch file or other script.

To perform a silent install using the ZIP format driver, extract the ZIP file, then run the AirID Installer .EXE program for the driver with the following comand line switch:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /install /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>" 

Any problem can be found in the log file.

The command to uninstall the software package is as follows:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /uninstall /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>"

The optional parameter are:

Optional Parameter Description
Help and short overview of the parameters
/install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout
Installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a copy of the installation package
/passive |

The user interface is displayed, but no user intervention is required.

No user interface is displayed during installation.

If this option is specified, commands with --passive or --quiet will not automatically restart the computer.
/log log.txt
The logs are written to a specific log.txt file. By default, a log file is created under %TEMP%.
Note, that installing Software or Drivers on Windows Systems typically requires local or Enterprise Admin Rights depending on your Company Policies.

5.1.4. Remove the Pairing

The pairing information are stored on both, the Windows system and AirID. To terminate the connection completely, the information on both sides must be removed.

On Windows

  1. Open the Bluetooth settings on Windows (Settings → Devices → Bluetooth)
  2. Select the corresponding AirID using the displayed serial number and click on "Remove Device"
  3. Click "Yes" to confirm the removal of the device.

On AirID 2

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

On AirID 1

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

5.2. iOS

With iOS, a system-wide support of smart cards and card readers is not possible. In order to use AirID with a specific app, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into this app.

The connection to the iOS device is only active when the app in foreground is open. As soon as the app goes into the background, the Bluetooth connection to the AirID is released again.

5.2.1. AirID system requirements

In order to use AirID with your iOS device, the iOS version 10.3.3 upwards is required.

5.2.2. AirID Integration

There are two possible options for integration of AirID which can be used:
  1. Complete integration of AirID driver and AirID Central functionality into the third party app
  2. Only integration of AirID driver into the third party app and usage of AirID Central app in addition (interaction of the apps via keychain)

Depending on the form of integration, the Bluetooth pairing process will be done within the third party app (1.) or within the AirID Central app (2.).

For both option a smart card middleware within the third party app is required to use the smart card provided by AirID.

Do you want to integrate AirID to your app? Please contact us at: [email protected]

5.2.3. Pairing

  1. Power on your smart card reader
  2. Make sure that Bluetooth is activated at your reader by pressing the AirID control element. AirID should display: 
  3. Make sure that Bluetooth is also activated on your mobile device (Settings → Bluetooth → On)
  4. Open the third party app / AirID Central app and add your AirID. Your AirID should be listed with its serial number. Select the reader you want to connect with.
  5. Follow the displayed instructions to pair the devices

After succesful pairing, "Your device is ready to go!" and the device name of the paired device will be displayed on your AirID.

If you already paired AirID with another device that are switched on and close to you, please navigate to "Prefer Device" in the AirID menu press the control element and choose "New". Then press the control element again to confirm. 

5.2.4. Remove the Pairing

The pairing information are stored on both, the iOS device and AirID. To terminate the connection completely, the information on both sides must be removed.

On iOS

  1. To remove the device information from the third party app / AirID Central App, forget the stored AirID within the app
  2. Then, open the Bluetooth system settings on your mobile device (Settings → Bluetooth)
  3. Select the AirID from the list by its serial number
  4. Ignore / Forget the selected device to remove the pairing information

On AirID 2

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

On AirID 1

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

5.3. Android

With Android, a system-wide support of smart cards and card readers is not possible. In order to use AirID with a specific app, the AirID driver needs to be integrated into this app.

The connection to the Android device is only active when the app in foreground is open. As soon as the app goes into the background, the Bluetooth connection to the AirID is released again.

5.3.1. AirID system requirements

In order to use AirID with your Android device, the Android version 8.0 (API level 26) upwards is required. Furthermore, a Bluetooth Low Energy functionality is necessary.

Due to the huge amount of variants of Android OS implementations, we can not guarantee the function of AirID SDKs and AirID devices with any Android device. We are only supporting AirD2 in combination of the Enterprise Edition of Samsung Galaxy S8, S9 & S10.

In case of unstable AirID2 - Android connections please contact our support by creating a support ticket:

5.3.2. AirID Integration

There are two possible options for integration of AirID which can be used:
  1. Complete integration of AirID driver and AirID Central functionality into the third party app
  2. Only integration of AirID driver into the third party app and usage of AirID Central app in addition (interaction of the apps via keychain)

Depending on the form of integration, the Bluetooth pairing process will be done within the third party app (1.) or within the AirID Central app (2.).

For both option a smart card middleware within the third party app is required to use the smart card provided by AirID.

Do you want to integrate AirID to your app? Please contact us at: [email protected]

5.3.3. Pairing

  1. Power on your smart card reader
  2. Make sure that Bluetooth is activated at your reader by pressing the AirID control element. AirID should display: 
  3. Make sure that Bluetooth is also activated on your mobile device (Settings → Bluetooth → On)
  4. Open the third party app / AirID Central app and add your AirID. Your AirID should be listed with its serial number. Select the reader you want to connect with.
  5. Follow the displayed instructions to pair the devices

After succesful pairing, "Your device is ready to go!" and the device name of the paired device will be displayed on your AirID.

If you already paired AirID with another device that are switched on and close to you, please navigate to "Prefer Device" in the AirID menu press the control element and choose "New". Then press the control element again to confirm. 

5.3.4. Remove the Pairing

The pairing information are stored on both, the iOS device and AirID. To terminate the connection completely, the information on both sides must be removed.

On Android

  1. To remove the device information from the third party app / AirID Central App, forget the stored AirID within the app
  2. Then, open the Bluetooth system settings on your mobile device (Settings → Bluetooth)
  3. Select the AirID from the list by its serial number
  4. Ignore / Forget the selected device to remove the pairing information

On AirID 2

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Remove Pairing → Remove "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

On AirID 1

Remove all pairing information

To remove all stored pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset all.

Remove specific pairing information

To remove specific pairing information from AirID, use the control element to select Settings → Reset keys → Reset "device name".

The pairing information can also be removed via AirID Central App. To do this, go to the paired devices view, select the corresponding device from the list and click Delete.

5.4. macOS

At the moment, we are developing a native driver for macOS to enable a system-wide smart card support using AirID. The first version of native support is planned to be available in Q4 / 2019.

To already use AirID with macOS today, the AirID Bridge as a connector between both devices is required.

5.5. Linux

5.6. AirID Central Application

The AirID Central application is the management software for AirID. The AirID Central provides information and setting options for your AirID once your AirID is connected to your working device. If there is no connection, "No device" is displayed in the AirID Central.

AirID Central provides an overview of:

Function Description
Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the connected AirID

Card Status

Displays the status of the inserted smart card. This can be readable , unreadable   or no card inserted

Distance Sensor or Coverage Feature 

Displays if the distance sensor / coverage feature is activated or not


Displays if the BLE communication is encrypted with AES-128-bit encryption or 256-bit


Checks and offers the latest firmware update for you reader, if available

Change AirID Displays the list of the connected AirID readers from which you can select one.
Battery Status Displays the battery level in percent. The green flash symbol indicates an active charging process.
Signal Strenght

Select the signal strength of the AirID

Backlight Select if a display backlight is required
Buzzer Select if an acustic feedback is required
Display Select if the display should always be on or only for a certain time
Advertising Select if the advertising mode for the connection to a device should always be on or only for a certain time.An individual work schedule to save energy can also be created with AirID Central. The advertising mode remains deactivated after the defined working hours.

If during the active advertising mode no connection to a device is established, the advertising mode switches off automatically to save battery power. Therefore, a manual reconnection is necessary afterwards.

Additionally, the following AirID information is displayed when clicking on the AirID device picture displayed in the AirID Central App:

Function Description
Serial Number

Serial number

MAC MAC-Address
Hardware Boardversion
Bootloader Bootloader Version
Firmware Firmware Version
Build Build version of the firmware
Connected devices
Shows a list of devices for which AirID stores connection information. The connection information can be deleted by deleting the device from the list.

5.6.1. AirID Central with Windows

Additionally to the information mentioned above, there are some application functions especially for the Windows platform.

A right click on the AirID Central icon in the Windows notification area opens a menu with the following application functions:

Menu Meaning
Reestablish Opens the AirID Central App window in the foreground
System Log Displays a log of the system log entries that you can use to track activities and processes
Bridge Displays the AirID Bridge and the settings you can do. The pairing of the AirID with the AirID Bridge is done here.
Change PIN PIN change function for the inserted smart card
About Shows the AirID Central version and the developer information

Closes the AirID Central App

6. Technical Specification



AirID 1

First Release

September 2018

November 2014






rectangular plus Bumper



90 x 60 x 9 mm (plus Bumper)

90 x 60 x 9 mm




Weight in g



Orientation of hanger

4 (with bumper)


Human interface

Display type

LCD, 132x32

LCD, 132x32

Display size

ca. 9 x 30 mm

ca. 9 x 30 mm

Control element

Jog Dial (up/down/enter)

Jog Dial (up/down/enter)

USB port



LED visible

2 LEDs

red: on while charging

blue: on while smart card powered on

3 LEDs

red battery low, please charge AirID
red and blue battery is charging
blue and green battery is fully charged

Acoustic feedback




Bluetooth Version

4.2 LE (Low Energy)

4.0 LE (Low Energy)


Battery type

Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery

Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery

Battery size and weight

4.5 x 24.0 x 41.5 mm, 8g

4.5 x 24.0 x 41.5 mm, 8g



325 mAh

Battery charging

via USB

via USB

Smart card interface

smart card size

ID1, contact interface (ISO7816)

ID1, contact interface (ISO7816)

smart card type


5V, 3V, 1,8V

Smart chip protocol

T=0, T=1

T=0, T=1

Smart chip header number



Smart chip header type

8 pins (MCD-7A6SC01-R), 6 pins (2286237-1,TE Connectivity) ; 5 pins connected

8 pins (MCD-7A6SC01-R), 6 pins (2286237-1,TE Connectivity) ; 5 pins connected

Using chip-backsided printed cards



Using chip-sided printed cards



NFC function of card usable




Firmware update

via USB

via USB

7. Safety Instructions

  • Protect the device from dirt, dust, moisture, chemicals and extreme temperatures and use it only in dry rooms.
  • Use only original, approved accessories intended for this purpose for the device.
  • Do not use the product in the immediate vicinity of heating, other heat sources or in direct sunlight.
  • The device is approved for an operating temperature range of -10 °C to +60 °C.

  • The approved temperature range during charging is between 0 °C and +45 °C.

  • Do not expose the device directly to magnetic sources.
  • Do not put the device in your trouser pocket.
  • Do not drop the product and do not expose it to violent shocks, drops, shocks or vibrations of any kind.
  • Do not attempt to service or repair the product yourself or have it serviced or repaired by an unauthorized service or person.
  • Do not make any unauthorized modifications to the software or hardware.
  • Do not open or operate the product if damaged.
  • Do not insert foreign objects into the card slot. The opening slot is intended exclusively for inserting a smart card.
  • Improper use may damage the product or connected devices.
  • To charge the battery, use only standardized charging cables and power sources (5V DC; min. 500mA) to avoid overcharging. This could damage the battery.
  • Do not remove or damage the seal on the side of the unit.

Environment Temperature Range:

Status Min. Temperature Max. Temperature
While operating -10°C +60°C
While charging 0°C +45°C

8. Disposal and Recycling

The device must not be disposed of with household waste. B2B equipment must be returned to the manufacturer.

9. Maintenance and Care

Clean the device only with a soft, clean and dry cloth. Do not expose the device to harsh chemicals, cleaning solutions or strong cleaning agents. Do not allow liquid to penetrate the product.

10. Warranty/ License/ Technical Support

Please note our regulations at Terms and Conditions & Legal Documents

Please note that only customer with a valid support and maintance agreement are authorized to get free support services.