AirID Virtual is distributed through the respective app catalog for for your phone:

The following links will take you to the default app listings. If your company does use a customized or branded app, please consult with your local IT department on how to get the newest version of AirID Virtual.

Apple App Store

Google Play Store 

Installation using a Mobile Device Management tool (MDM) is available as well. For further guidance on how to setup such a deployment please contact your MDM provider. The app bundles can be provided upon request.


In general, all mobile devices running Android Version 8 and above as well as all iPhones running iOS 11 and above should support AirID Virtual.

If you need support for older OS versions please contact our support. We have a continuously updated list of device and OS combinations known working.


AirID Virtual will ask for several permissions. We strive to keep the needed permissions down to a minimum. See the following table for the permissions we ask for and the reason we need them.




AirID Virtual communicates with the client computer using Bluetooth LE.


Both the enrollment process (to obtain a valid logon certificate) as well as the pairing process (to allow encrypted communication between the phone and the client computer) are initiated using a QR code. AirID Virtual needs the permission to access the camera to be able to scan those barcodes. AirID Virtual does not access your camera at any other time. It does not access any of your previously taken photos or videos as well.

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