Autor: AirID
cgMiddleware platform independant
User Guide
Version 1.0
Document History
Version | Date | Autor | Notes |
1.0 | 31.05.2016 | AirID | - |
0 About this Guide
1 Introduction to PKCS#11
1.1 Basic principles of PKCS#11
1.2 Workflows / Using cryptoki
2 Supported features
2.1 Unsupported functions
2.2 Supported functions & requirement specification
2.3 Supported mechanisms
3 Object template
3.1 Attribute
3.2 Object templates
3.3 Function specific templates
4 Differences to standard cryptoki specification
4.1 KeyGeneration
4.2 Import
5 Examples
5.1 Import private key and search associated public key
List of Figures
Figure 1: abstraction layer of cryptoki
Figure 2: session states
Figure 3: class hirarchy
List of Tables
Table 1: unsupported functions
Table 2: supported mechanisms
Table 3: RSA key import
Table 4: supported EC OIDs
Table 5: EC key import
Table 6: generate a keypair