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An object, equal being a token-, a session-, or a data object (and so on..), always needs the global mandatory attributes being present. Not containing these attributes will result in errors – so without them no object can be written to or read from the token this also applies for session objects. The mandatory attributes are:

    This attributes describes whether the object is a
    • Data object -> CKO_DATA
    • Certificate object -> CKO_CERTIFICATE
    • Public key object -> CKO_PUBLIC_KEY
    • Private key object -> CKO_PRIVATE_KEY
    • Secret key object -> CKO_SECRET_KEY
  • There are also objects like CKO_HW_FEATURE, CKO_DOMAIN_PARAMETERS, CKO_MECHANISM, CKO_OTP_KEY and CKO_VENDOR_DEFINED but these are out of scope for this documentation.

    This attributes decides whether the object will be stored on the token or is a session object.
    This attribute decides whether a public session can read this object or the user must be logged in objects which should kept secret (like private- or secret keys) will internally overwritte this flag to private even when someone tries to create them as a public.
    This attribute decides whether the object can be changed after it was created.
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Not all attributes can be changed. Currently we only support changing the attributes mentionend in 3.3.3.

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The values set to the mandatory attributes influence the associated object for its complete lifetime.

Object specific attributes

We previously learned that the CKA_CLASS attribute is responsible for determining the objects kind. Having this information leads us to being more specific in enclosing the objects implementation type. Lets have a look back to Figure 3. Each of the data-, key- and certificate object contains one more attribute giving better information about what the object really is all about:


We will learn how the attributes shall be used in order to support our cryptoki implementation since in most of the writing-cases (create, change, generate) there are always some token (for us applet-) dependant attributes which are mandatory even when the specification says they are not or attributes which can't be modified or are unsupported.

Create / import an object
