What should I do if the AirID is no longer connected to the PC/Laptop?
Please follow the steps below to solve connection problem:
- Switch off Bluetooth on PC/Laptop and switch it on again
- Check if the AirID 2 is connected to the PC/Laptop
- Check if the AirID 2 is displayed in the AirID Central
- If the Issue persists, the Bluetooth connection between the AirID 2 and the PC/Laptop
must be re-paired.
a) Please first disconnect the AirID 2 from the PC/Laptop
b) After that, please perform the unpairing on the AirID 2 as well. Please call up the following setting on the AirID 2
(This completely removes the connection between the AirID 2 and the PC/Laptop)
„Settings“ > „Reset“ > „Reset BLE“ > „Confirm“ (Please select and confirm the host name of the PC/Laptop here) - After disconnecting, a small window appears on the desktop after about 30 seconds
Please confirm with "Yes" and also confirm the message on the AirID 2 display at the same time. After that, the AirID 2 should be re-paired with the PC/Laptop
- If the AirID 2 has been successfully paired with the PC/Laptop, then the following window should
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