
How do I perform an unattended (silent) installation of the AirID Installer in order to automate the installation?


The AirID Installer.exe  is created with the WiX Toolset. This can be run from the command line without requiring user input by using  following command:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /install /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>" 

Any problem can be found on the logfile and the command to uninstall it is:

Command Line
"<Filename>.exe" /uninstall /quiet /log "<Filename for Logfile.txt>"

The AirID Installer use following comand-line options:

/help - Help and quick reference option. 

/install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout - installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a complete local copy of the bundle in directory. Install is the default.

/passive | /quiet - displays minimal UI with no prompts or displays no UI and no promts. By default UI and all prompts are displayed.

/norestart - suppress any attempts to restart. By default UI will prompt before restart.

/log log.txt - logs to a specific file. By default a log file is created in %TEMP%

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